Say Hello to Chris Our New Sales Executive

Hello Tag
December 9, 2019

You Can Be “Tech Savvy” Without Being “Tech Savvy”

Hi. My name is Chris. For starters, I just began a new job at Syncta and was asked to write a quick blurb introducing myself for the company’s blog. So here are my thoughts: A) I’m just not that interesting but B) there’s always time for that and C) honestly, after working at Syncta for a short period of time, there’s something on my mind that I’d rather discuss.

I could say a bunch of really cool things about Watts Water and Syncta, but if you’re reading this, you already know that and like my newest client said, “Chris, I’m not clicking this link to your online demo right now. I’m busy, I already know you’re a highly reputable company. Here are my problems… can you solve them?” Well OK, now we’re talking, right? With this gentleman, I was able to streamline his backflow testing process tremendously - making it not only easier for his employees, but for his customers too. Now they work faster, much easier, and without errors. However, it’s not always that easy - especially in the world of Backflow Testing. Why? I wish I could poll each and every one of you and we could derive some possible answers. But my data is saying some organizations in the backflow, plumbing, irrigation, fire protection, and similar industries, embrace technology - and others don’t (as much).

I was talking to one of my brothers this weekend, who happens to understand the plumbing industry very well and he said, “Chris there are a lot of people in our industry who have been doing this for 15-20-25+ years and they are doing it the same way today as they did when they started.” I had to step back, and was somewhat impressed that this digital revolution, so to speak, has somehow zipped right past a segment of our industry. I believe there’s some merit to this. Not only merit, but to some in our industry, it’s almost a badge of honor!

Successful Companies Use Technology

So, for you “Gadget Geeks” and techies, this will probably fall on deaf ears. But there’s a sector of us out there that get skipped when it comes to technology. We want to get it, we want to use it, and we may try to talk about it. But it’s just not intuitive for everyone. And if you’re more in the techie group, the truth is folks like me are a little envious of you, but we certainly won’t tell you that.

I do have some core beliefs, and should tell you about one before I move on, because I feel it’s relevant at this point. I don’t believe in always and never. Of course, they both happen. But I’ve found that the most successful organizations I work with embrace technology. Not All… : ) But most.

Organizations that embrace technology are more efficient. Let’s quote an article written by a company that studies this for a living, “Business Technology helps small businesses improve their communication process. Emails, texting, websites and apps, for example facilitate improved communication with consumers. These methods also help companies reach consumers through mobile devices in a real-time format.” The Impact of Technological Change on Business Activity | Simply put – this translates into better relationships with customers and communities, attracts top quality employees, and ultimately means a stronger bottom line.

We Don't Have to Understand All Tech

We don’t have to understand all of the latest tech jargon, like Blockchain, Connective Retail and Internet of Things. Wait… Internet of Things?? Those are certainly over my head. However, it’s kind of like the first time you tried texting and didn’t know what you were doing, but now can’t get through your day without texting your friends, kids and grandkids. Technology is cool, fun and great for your business, no matter how small. In many regards, technology has fool-proofed even those of us who aren’t “Tech Savvy,” makes us look good, and really improves our business.

Download the free Syncta app today (click here for iOS devices or here for Android devices) and then call 503.751.2860, text me at (503) 807.9086, or email me at [email protected]. I’ll take a few minutes to show you how to use it. A very small investment in your time and getting out of your comfort can make a tremendous impact on your business.

Chris Penn

About Me

P.S. Just so my manager can’t say I didn’t complete the task that was asked of me… I’m native to the Portland, metro area, moved away twice and returned; once to Idaho for college and then to Boston to open offices on the East Coast. I have been a successful small business owner and therefore understand the pitfalls and hard work that it takes to run and manage your business.

I am a dad to two amazing young men whom I’ve had the pleasure of helping to raise. Ty is a senior at Tigard High School, is an incredible student and plays varsity baseball and football. He’s currently deciding which university he’s going to play football for next year. Samuel is a freshman at Tigard High; he’s also a great student and an amazing three-sport athlete. He’s our social butterfly, so you’ll rarely see him without a group of friends around him. I’ve recently joined the eBike world. Wish I would have done it earlier, but for some reason my younger self thought it was imperative to drive everywhere? Fortunately, with age does come (a little) wisdom.

What’s something new to you that you’re going to try in 2020?